Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My 100th Post!!!!

Finish This Sentence...
I am...:bored.
My ex-boyfriend was...:an okay guy, a bit stupid, but okay.
Maybe I should....:just go home and sleep.
I love....:the rain.
I don't understand....:math.
I lost my....:friend over a guy. Which is pretty fucked up, I know.
My boyfreind is....:non-existent.
People say I'm...:weird.
Love is....:contra-natura.
Somewhere, someone is....:getting pissed off by me.
I will always...:love you.
Forever is....:unattainable.
I never want to...:be an 'other.'
I think the current President is....:okay, despite what some people think or say.
When I wake up in the morning, I....:check my phone for messages.
Life is full of...:crock.
My past is incredibly...:messed up.
I get annoyed when...:things are not going my way. Who wouldn't?
Parties are for...:people who love parties.
I wish...:that I'm not...
My dog/cat is....:are the best.
Kisses are the worst when...:you don't like the person you are kissing.
Nice....:is what I am, when I'm in a good mood.
Tommorrow I'm going to...:drink.
I really want some....:super salty junk foods
I have low tolerance for people who....:use other people.
If I had a million dollars...:I'd donate some of it charity. Really.
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